November 30, 2006
I am all sicky, YUCK
The last few days i havent been feeling very good at all so my mommy took me to the doctor and it turns out that im sick!!! Let me tell ya i had no idea how YUCKY being sick would be im all stuffed up and its hard to breathe sometimes!!! The good news is my doctor gave mommy some different kind of breathers ( thats what daddy calls my nebulizer treatments, so i play along dont want to spoil his fun!!) to help me while im sick and even some fancy stuff to clear up my nose. even though i got all that good stuff being sick is no fun at all, a little man uses up lots of energy just tryin to breathe when hes sick. I am feeling alot better now that i got the new breathers to help me but from now on if i have a choice i wont be sick again its way way too much work!!! hopefully i can get back to my regular old self..... ZANDER THE GREAT soon
November 16, 2006
Mommy's little helper

Look at me, I'm helping mommy do the laundry:) I decided that I would help her sort the different colors...but then I realized that I don't know all of my colors yet, and I'm too short to grab the clothes out of the basket. So.....I decided to sit in the basket and throw things out. I think it really helped mommy a lot!!!:)
How funny!

Today I got my revenge on mommy for all the shots I've had to get so far. See, mommy had a doctor's appointment today and first she had blood drawn, then she got a shot! I laughed at her when the lab people were taking her blood, but she thought it was because I was flirting with one of the other lab techs. But then when we were in the exam room, the nurse came in to give mommy a flu shot and I was just sitting quietly next to mommy. It was so funny because mommy was cringing and I thought she was going to cry. I had to laugh at her!!!!! Now she knows how it feels when a little Zander has to get shots...they hurt lots!
Now I just need to figure out how to get revenge on daddy. hahahahahahaha!
November 04, 2006
Yay for visitors!!!!

She brought me a big, huge book call Itsy Bitsy even comes with a little spider, just the rght size for me! I can't wait to read it and guess what???? It comes with a CD so you can play the song with it! Yay for me:)
I got to be held by Grandma Jeri and My was so awesome, I showed them how I can kick and move all over the place....and my smile too....I think mommy snuck a picture of me smiling....I wasn't watching, otherwise I would have stopped smiling, it's a fun game I play with mommy!!!
I got a shot yesterday for RSV...the shot is supposed to stop me from getting this RSV thing. Frosty, my visiting nurse came to my house so I didn't have to go to the doctor. Remember Tai? She's going to give me my shot next month because I have to have these stupid shots every month during the winter...don't doctors understand that baby Zanders don't like shots?! I haven't seen Tai since August I think.
Anyway, Frosty had to give me a shot. I'm going to try very hard not to hold it against her, she's only doing her job....but man oh hurt!!!!:( I cried for a whole 3 minutes...then I was all better. :)
Frosty had to weigh me before the shot so she could figure out how much to give me. She did my height and measured my head too. I weigh 13 lbs and 4 ozs. and I'm 25 inches tall. I'm over two feet tall now...that's awesome! My head keeps growing's 16 and 1/2 inches...If I'm not careful my head may be bigger than my height soon. I need to keep an eye on that.
Other than that, I don't have any new news...I've just been staying inside as much as possible because I don't like being cold. I hang out with mommy and daddy and have visits sometimes so I'm doing great!
November 01, 2006
Happy Halloween

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great Halloween:) I didn't go out trick or treating because I can't eat the candy. Mommy gave me the choice but I decided that if I didn't get to eat the candy then I wasn't going out in the cold! I did dress up though....can you see what I am? I'm a giraffe!!!!:)
I helped mommy pass out candy to all the kids who knocked on our door. Some of them were really scarey, but I didn't cry...not even once. Grandma and Grandpa Orr even came to spend some time with the little giraffe.
Mommy and I went to the NICU to visit the nurses and take them some candy and cookies. Daddy was sad because he had to work all evening. He really wanted to see our favorite nurses too.
It was a really fun night and I was sooooo good....I kept my giraffe on for a whole 3 hours without complaining about it. I'm so awesome:)
Chilly Willy

The tree in the front of my house lost all of it's leaves in one day. Mommy and I came home from day care one day to find the whole driveway covered in leaves and the whole porch covered too. Mommy decided to get my picture playing in the leaves before it gets too cold. Right after this picture was taken I had a seriously talk with's true....I made her sit down and look me in the eyes while I explained to her that it's ALREADY COLD!!!!!!! She promised to keep me warm always from now on:)

I may not be able to crawl, or walk yet, but I can do three things at once! That's got to count for something:)
Addy and I
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