On Wednesday, Dec. 21st I gave mommy and daddy a huge scare! Mommy and I were sleeping and Daddy was awake when all of the sudden both my heart monitor and my pulse oximeter started alarming. Mommy woke right up and daddy came running into the room. I stayed asleep:) The alarms stopped almost right away so they both calmed down, but then less than an hour later my alarms went off again. And then for the rest of the night they went off almost every 10 minutes. Those stinky alarms kept alarming that my heart rate was too low. Needless to say, mommy and daddy were scared so they called my doctor's office. The doctor on-call asked mommy if the heart monitor was situated correctly on me and mommy said yes. Mommy then explained that both the heart monitor and my pulse oximeter were alarming at the same time. That worried the doctor too, so she told mommy and daddy to take me to the Emergency Room.
Do you know that despite all of my alarms going off, I never woke up once? I didn't hear any of the beeping!!!
We got to the Emergency Room about 5am and they hooked me up to their monitors and I hung out with mommy and daddy for about 4 hours. The ER was really busy that morning because there was a really serious car accident. I don't think I'm ever going to drive....it seems like there's accidents happening all the time. I think I'll just fly everywhere...afterall....I am Z-MAN!!! *laughs*
My heart rate didn't drop really low while we were in the Emergency Room, but it did fluctuate quite a bit. That scared the doctor a little bit so he told me and mommy and daddy that he was going to admit me for 24 hour observation. So, by 9:40am I was on the pediatric unit getting admitted. I had a nurse I'd never met before....(I know almost all of the nurses up there) but she was really nice. She even put up with daddy's weird personality!!! I had to laugh because the nurse asked mommy and daddy if there was any mental illness in the family. Mommy told her that daddy was certifiably crazy, but it hasn't been diagnosed yet. My nurse thought that was funny...even daddy laughed:)
Mommy had to run home and get some Zander stuff and her work....she had to do a little work that day since things were already scheduled. When she got back my Dr. Clark was already visiting me in the hospital. My Dr. Clark ordered an EKG...the picture with all the leads on my belly was taken when they did the EKG. My Dr. Clark also said that she called my monitor company and told them she needed a download right away so she could see what happened to me over night. Mommy was scared that my Dr. Clark was going to make me wear my Os again. But my Dr. Clark said that I was doing great with no nose hose....she wanted to see how long I could go without my nose hose...I have news for her....I plan to go forever!:)
Wow, did I have a lot of visits that day. See the picture of the crib they put me in? It was so big and there were so many metal bars, that I seriously thought I was a monkey at the zoo and people were visiting me. Come to think of it, the whole day was kind of funny!! Anyway, me and daddy and mommy hung out at the hospital with all the nurses for most of the day. Around 6pm my Dr. Clark came back and told mommy that everything was fine and I was healthy as a little Zander can be. She then explained to mommy that a couple months back....right after I had my week break from my Os, she had asked the monitor company to change my alarms to a lower heart rate. She said that as I grow old my heart rate will slow down to a normal rate. My Dr. Clark said that the only thing that was going on with me the night before was that I was sleeping very deeply.
Needless to say, mommy and daddy felt silly for being paranoid. But you know what, everyone was really good about being supportive. My Dr. Clark said that mommy and daddy did exactly what they should have. They just followed the advice of the doctors. Mommy asked my Dr. Clark if I could go home right then since I was healthy. After making sure that the monitor company was going to come right out and reset my monitor alarms my Dr. Clark said I could go home. What a weird day!!!!! Do you know anyone who has ever been admitted for 7 hours???
I am proud to say that since my monitors were reset, I haven't had any low heart rate alarms!!! Yay for me!!
Oh yeah, on this day (Dec. 21st) I weighed 14 lbs and 4 ozs. I'm getting heavy! Also, I just wanted to tell you all that one really good thing came out of my short hospital stay. I got to see some of my favorite nurses before Christmas. See, mommy and daddy had already planned on taking me to see the nurses and doctors on Christmas Day, just to visit of course. Well, not every one has to work on Christmas, so I actually got to see a lot of my favorite staff members that wouldn't be working on Christmas. Can you believe that mommy accused me of purposely making my alarms go off, just so I could see everyone? I know she didn't really mean it, but when she said it everyone laughed. And some of the nurses told mommy that if I really did make my alarms beep on purpose, then I was a very smart little boy.....because they didn't want to miss seeing me. I have to tell you, I have the best nurses in the world....and they're all my best friends!!!!!