August 15, 2006

My Grandpa Bob

Today Grandpa Bob and Grandma DoMo came to visit me. Grandpa Bob wanted to see me sit in my vibrating chair, but mommy told him that I use the chair so much that the batteries were dead. Grandpa Bob loves me so much that he went out and bought me new batteries. Don't get me wrong...mommy and daddy love me too, but we don't leave the house too often because where ever I go, so goes two monitors and an oxygen tank. It's easier to just wait until we need a whole bunch of stuff and then I go with both mommy and daddy. It's fun to go on outings with mommy and daddy:)

Anyway, Grandpa Bob bought me some batteries and then my vibrating chair once again worked wonderfully! Grandpa Bob listened to the music that the chair plays and watched as my little body vibrated. He was so impressed:)

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