September 07, 2006

Uh oh, daddy wrecked MY "cool car"

Life has been pretty busy and exciting the past few weeks.

First off, mommy and I got a call late at night from daddy saying that he was in a car accident. (this was way back on August 26th) Mommy and I threw ourselves in the car and went to make sure daddy was okay. He was mostly okay....his ribs and shoulder and leg hurt, but he didn't know why. Mommy says it was because the airbags deployed...I'm not really sure what that means. Anyways, daddy wrecked the "cool car" that I was going to inherit. Okay, it's not "cool" like some cars, but it was an old couger and it was an awesome red...oh well! But I tell you what, that weekend was the most exciting for me...

I got to first go to the crash site and talk to the sheriffs and then mommy and I took daddy to the hospital just to have him checked out. Daddy got lots of x-rays and guess what....the x-ray technicians were the same ones who did all of my x-rays when I was in the hospital. We reminisced about old times:)

Daddy didn't do much that whole weekend because he was sore. I tried to get him to play with me, but he always cringed when I kicked him in the ribs....I mean really, if you don't want it kicked, don't put them where I can reach!!! Mommy said she felt like she had two babies to take care of. But we made it through the weekend all in one piece. Mommy got lots of phone calls over the weekend. She tried to explain this whole insurance thing to me, but I just don't get it. But what I did get is when mommy told daddy that because his car had low mileage, we got extra money from the insurance on that Monday I got to go to the insurance company, and then visit my "cool car" at the Salvage yard, and then I even got to look at different cars for daddy to drive. Daddy said he wanted another old "cool car" even though they're not really family cars. Daddy said mommy could drive the family car...I think I should drive the family car, but they didn't like that idea.

Mommy made me laugh because when we were looking at cars, daddy found an explorer that he really liked (because it was green). He told me that it had low mileage and was not a gas guzzler because it was only a V6. Who knows what he was talking about. All I know is that mommy told daddy that he just bought himself a family car. I gotta tell you though, it's not much of a family car because I haven't gotten to ride in it yet!!!!!

And then on Sunday I had my amazing play date with Emma and her brothers, James and Kyle. You'll have to read what I had to say about that! I had so much fun and we got our picture taken together.....yeah, I really am a ladies man!!!

Okay, so that was my exciting you know that I did more in that one weekend than most babies do in their entire babytime???? That's right, I'm awesome!

Lets see, the next week mommy and I went shopping for babysitters for me. We found one that takes good care of babies and she doesn't live very far away. We visited her home to meet the other kids and to make sure it was a safe home. I was satisfied that I could have a good time there. Mommy isn't going back to work quite yet, but it's getting close. She's not to excited about that so Grandma Domo and Grandpa Bob say that they are going to have to "ween" mommy off of Zander time. I guess they think she spends too much time with me. I guess I have to agree with them, because I've heard mommy say that she doesn't think she can last a full 8 hours without me. Doesn't she know that I'm still going to be hers all the other times?????

I had another doctor's appointment this week. I think I told you that I have to have surgery on a hernia on the 19th of September. They were going to circumcize me at the same time so I had to go see a Urologist....I'm not really sure what circumcize or Urologist means, but I don't like the sound of it! Anyway, I went to see him and he was checking out my man parts and I didn't know why. Mommy says that I did have a huge smile on my face when the doctor said he would not do the circumcision on the 19th because he doesn't want me to be under anestesia for too long....I think that means he's not going to cut my man parts! Mommy was kind of upset and I couldn't figure out why...I was happy about it. She tried to explain to me that now I would have to have another surgery when I was 1 years old.....and she said I wouldn't like it. Well, I'm not sure what surgery is, but I figure I have 7 more months to divise a plan for postponing it again!!!!!:)

So yeah, on the 19th of this month I get to see my favorite nurses again. Mommy and daddy say that I have to spend the night in the hospital...I think it's some kind of sleepover for the cool kids! Mommy tried explaining to me that I wouldn't be staying in the NICU for the night, rather I'd be on the peds unit. I figure they're next door to eachother, I'll just sneak on over to see my NICU Ladies!!!! The only thing that I'm not happy about so far is that I don't get to, hello....I like my food, hands off!!!! Mommy told me not to worry about it.

Mommy and I have been working hard to clean up the basement. Apparently mommy and daddy stopped after they unpacked the upstairs and left everything downstairs in disaray. Well, we have successfully finished the unpacking and have a neat little family room where I can play and eat and sleep and do whatever I want to. Grandma Orr is going to bring over my walker and we're going to put that and my swing downstairs so I can get my move on!

I've been turning my head from side to side lots lately....and when I say lots, I really mean lots! Mommy laughs at me because when she puts me down for my naps, I don't know which way is more comfortable. She says that before I actually fall asleep I turn my head over about 6-7 times and then I'm out like a light bulb. Whatever mommy, don't make fun of me! I can do what I want to:)

Grandpa Bob came to visit me on Tuesday and he ripped up the carpet in our bathroom. We're still not sure why there was carpet in the bathroom, but it needed to come up because when mommy and daddy shower, the carpet gets wet and I guess that's not good. Grandpa Bob was having so much fun...he first ripped up the carpet and then he ripped up some flooring that was green with pink speckles...I told Grandpa Bob that we could not have pink in my house....Except when my girlfriends come to visit, because they look good in pink. So after Grandpa Bob ripped everything up, he found a spot on the wood that needed to be replaced due to water damage, so he's coming today (and bringing Grandma Domo) to replace that wood and then put tile down so our bathroom is all nice again!!! I don't know about you, but I think Grandpa Bob is a Guru with the home improvement....he's awesome!!!!

Grandma Domo was going to help mommy clean the basement, but since I already helped her....I think I will require Grandma Domo to hold me and love me and feed me all afternoon. She does a great job of that so I have to take advantage of her when she comes to visit!!!! Grandma Domo told mommy that she had to be gone from me for 4 whole hours.....*grins* yeah right, as if mommy could really do that!!! I think I will kick mommy out for a little while so I can have Grandma Domo all to myself! Daddy has to go to work so he's going to miss all the fun.:(

Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you....I got an announcement from my cousin Cicily....she's like a model or something because she sent me this really cool head shot and then you turn it over and there's more pictures of her. And.....get this....she must be pretty special (I already thought she was anyway) because the US Post Office made Cicily her very own stamp....can you imagine that? My cousin's face is on a stamp!!! WoW,I am in awe:)

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