I'm getting big enough and strong enough to hold my own milk now....that means I don't have to share with anyone. Just Kiddin, so far no one else wants to drink my milk. I don't understand why not, I always offer mommy a drink, but she never takes one. Oh well.
This is me hanging out at home today. For those of you who live in the cold cold state of Iowa, you know why I'm hanging out at home today (Saturday). It's really cold and icey outside. Mommy says we're stuck in the house all weekend, which is fine with me. I didn't really have any plan to go anywhere.
It's been sleeting since yesterday afternoon, and when mommy drove by the grocery stores (on her way home from work), they were packed with people. I watched the news with mommy last night and I guess it's supposed to be all ice/rain today and then tomorrow we're supposed to get more white stuff. I'm not so sure I like this WINTER thing.....mommy says I take after daddy in that respect...daddy HATES the cold! It's a good thing he's not here right now, or he'd be frozen!
Daddy has been calling us lots because he misses us and worries about us. He even sent me a card just because. He talks to me sometimes when he calls home, but I just listen and breath heavy....I don't say anything. Mommy laughs at me because I'll talk a whole bunch while she's on the phone, but when she hands it to me I just breath heavy....to be honest with you, I'd rather just stick the phone in my mouth...that's where everything belongs these days!!!:)
The news said we might lose power, but we shouldn't worry. I think that's why so many people were at the stores yesterday. I made sure mommy stocked all my food and necessities, so I'm ready for anything! Now we just have to wait for all this yucky weather to go away.....I heard that GroundHog guy said Spring was on it's way.....I'm not sure I can be patient for too much longer Mr. GroundHog.....lets get movin'!
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