April 27, 2006

I'm on strike...No More Needles!!!

Okay, I'm not really on strike. I'm just excited because my PIC Line was taken out today. It turns out that I'm eating so much of mommy's juice that the doctors don't think I need anymore of the TPN, or Total Parenteral Nutrition, Solution. That's the IV nutrition they were giving me when I was too little to eat mommy's juice. And once I did start eating I couldn't eat a lot at one time so I still got some TPN. The doctors would lower the TPN dosage every day that they increased my mommy juice CCs. Now that I am eating between 45 and 51 CCs every twelve hours, they think I'm a big enough boy to not have TPN anymore. They did warn mommy and daddy that they may have to put my PIC Line back in me sometime in the future, but they didn't want it to get infected while they were not using it, so it came out. Now if they would only stop poking my heels, I would be all done with needles!!

I'm eating really good, but I am getting a sodium supplement added to mommy's juice. The doctors say it's nothing wrong with mommy's juice, I just need a little extra salt. It's too bad daddy's don't make daddy juice because I know my daddy has a lot of salt in his body....he adds salt and pepper to almost everything he eats!

Also today, they started adding something called a preemie fortifier to mommy's juice as well. Apparently anyone that's small like me, (and some bigger babies) get this to make sure they grow up big and strong. I'm already strong, but I'm not big yet!!!

Mommy and daddy's friend Janelle came to visit for a little while today. She got to see me, mommy, and Grandma Orr. Grandma Orr got to see me open my eyes for the first time today (last time she came to visit I was sleeping with them closed). She was so excited...she almost cried! Janelle saw me open my eyes too, she sat next to me and talked to me while mommy visited with Grandma Orr. It was a good time. But then Mommy started getting tired so Grandma Orr and Janelle told mommy they were going to leave so that she could take a nap. And guess what...mommy actually took a nap!!! Mommy fell right asleep and when she woke up she found out that she missed the family rounds. She forgot it was already Thursday. When she walked out into the hallway, the doctors and nurses were discussing me. Mommy apologized and everyone told her that she was sleeping so good, they didn't want to bother her.

Today, Grandma Hewlitt and Anita (a long time family friend) came to visit me. Anita said her husband was jealous because he didn't get to come visit. I told Anita he could come next time:) I got a new hat for my head. Grandma Hewlitt said she was going to make a hat for me, but someone else asked if they could make it instead. My new hat is blue and it is just the right size!!! I wore it all afternoon but then it got too hot on my head so I had the nurse take it off for a bit. I'll wear it again so mommy and daddy can take a picture of me in my new hat!!!

Anita brought me some clothes and bibs. The doctors say I'm still too little to wear clothes...I think they just like to see my naked manly muscles. Also, I don't get to use the bibs yet, because it's really easy to be a clean eater when your food goes into your tummy....through your nose! Maybe when I get to eat with my mouth I'll get to wear one or two bibs at a time:) Anita told mommy to save them for when I get out of the hospital. Anita also brought me a frame for my little hand print and foot print. Most babies would only be able to fit one foot and one hand in the space provided, but since I'm just that amazingly tiny, both my hand prints and foot prints fit perfectly into the frame:)

I opened my eyes for both Grandma Hewlitt and Anita. They couldn't get enough of me....I'm so beautiful. My fingers amazed them since they are so perfect, and they both laughed because the nurse layed a stuffed animal on top of me to stop me from moving. The nurses do that sometimes because I squirm too much!!! Mommy visited with Anita and Grandma Hewlitt for a little bit, then daddy came home and he visited too. After awhile Grandma Hewlitt and Anita had to leave because Grandma Hewlitt had to work the evening shift tonight.

Now it's just mommy, daddy, and me....daddy already fell asleep because he worked very hard today. Mommy and I are really tired too, but I just ate so I'll be up digesting my food until it's all gone. Mommy already read me my bedtime story so I'm ready to sleep when I'm done digesting!!

Good night:)

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