July 16, 2006

Eewww, Gross!

I seriously doubt I will be going home anytime in the near future. The way things are going between my medications and me tells me that I'm probably here for at least another week if not longer. The medication is so yucky that I hold my breath. When I do that I don't breathe and my heart rate drops drastically because I forget to keep it pumping. So that seemed to be the main problem at the beginning of the weekend. But now, I'm doing it during feedings too.....and sometimes I need a little rubbing on my chest to get my heart to pump again. Because of that I'm going to be here for awhile longer.

I'm not very happy at all about being in the hospital for longer. Don't get me wrong....I love my Nurse girls, but these hospital beds are nothing to write home about. Besides, all of my neighbors are very sick and they like to cry a lot, which then keeps me awake.....I'd rather be at home and only have to listen to mommy and daddy snore....at least they don't snore when they're awake. Apparently, most babies cry when they are awake. I tried the whole crying thing, but I'd rather just moan and grunt....moaning and grunting still me enough attention. I could cry if I wanted to, but why change something that works:)

There is some good news, now that I am part of the EXTENDED STAY PROGRAM a specialist is going to look at my hernia tomorrow and maybe fix it while I'm still in the hospital. If I don't get it fixed while I'm here now, I'll have to go to Iowa City in a couple months and be admitted into the hospital there. I'd rather have it done now so I can be done with hospitals for a little while. If the specialist comes tomorrow and says he can fix me then it'll happen quite soon, which I think is a good thing because I know all these doctors and Nurses who would take care of me afterwards....it pays to know people:)

I should get going....I've been really tired all day and not eating very well. Mommy and daddy thought I might be sick, but Doctor #4 thinks that maybe I'm just pooped out because of all the medication problems. My Nurse Sandy (a different Sandy from usual) made mommy taste my medications....mommy agrees with me that they are gross!!! If it were up to mommy and daddy I wouldn't have to take them....but they have no control...I think that's what scares them the most - the fact that I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL!!!:) Get used to it mommy and daddy:)

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