July 18, 2006

I'm a Genius!

I bet nobody knew that I was so smart. Let me tell you why I am such a Genius:)

You know how I've been throwing fits everytime the nurses or mommy tries to give me my medications? Well...Today I had Nurse Tony. Nurse Tony is a big-wig nurse who is in charge of all the other nurses. I'm not really sure why I had her, but I think it's because they ran out of NICU nurses to work with all the other babies. Now that I'm sorta healthy, I get pediatric nurses and sometimes big-wig nurses:)

Okay, so Nurse Tony was trying to give me my medication this morning while Kristi, the Developmental Specialist observed. Nurse Tony and Kristi both watched as I proceeded to throw my fit and fight with them so I didn't have to take my medications. They finally got the last of the medications down me and then Nurse Tony went straight to my Doctor #1 and said, "If you want him to have those meds, you'll have to find someone else to do it....I'm not putting him through that again!" And if that wasn't enough, Kristi told my Doctor #1 that she fully agreed with Nurse Tony and did not recommend giving me anymore of the awful stuff. My Doctor #1 listened intently while Nurse Tony and Kristi told him that my fit was not a fit just because the medication tasted so awful....it was the kind of fit a baby (like me) has when they are being hurt in some way. So my Doctor #1 put on his thinking cap and thought for awhile. Meanwhile Nurse Tony and Kristi wore their thinking caps too and thought right along with my Doctor #1. Finally my Doctor #1 started talking about Ozmosality (remember I don't know how to spell), and suggested that Pharmacy be called and questioned about the Ozmosality of the medications I was taking. He predicted that the Sodium Chloride (the one I hate the most) was probably really high, like in the 1000s. Well, he was only a fifth right.....Sodium Chloride has an ozmosality of 5000+. My Doctor #1's theory is that because of that information, plus my reaction to the medications....and the fact that my fit continues after the medications have already been administered....he deducted that the medications are causing me to have Esophagitis!!!! In Zander english - my medications are burning my esophagus and causing it to be inflamed!!! Bad medications....bad, bad medications!

So guess what???? I don't have to take the medications anymore:) WOO HOO!!!! HOORAY FOR ME:)

But wait, there's more! Because the medications hurt me, and I don't like them....I've been not eating very well in the past few days. Sometimes I don't eat enough and other times I just flat out refuse my bottle. Well, I only refuse when it's someone other than daddy feeding me. Daddy is my hero...because he never made me take the medications!!! I still eat like a little piggy for daddy:)

Okay, so my Doctor #1 told my mommy and me that because of the negative oral experience of the medications, I may not like to eat anymore from the bottle....so I may need to be taught all over again that eating is a POSITIVE thing. He told mommy not to be too upset if I have to have another nose hose put in to help me get all the calories I need.

Mommy told my Doctor #1 that she was okay with having to backtrack a little bit, but she and daddy both refuse to take me home with a tummy tube....apparently, I can't go home with a nose hose...and babies who need help with feedings at home have a tummy tube put in....AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN WHILE MOMMY AND DADDY ARE ALIVE!!!! (way to go mommy and daddy:) Thanks for lookin out for me.)

Then my Doctor #1 gave me the best compliment ever..... He said that for the past 15 years they've treated babies just like me who have reacted to the medications in a similiar way, but it was never caught and no one ever knew the real reason why us babies would just stop taking oral feedings once the medications were givin orally. So now, thanks to SUPER SMART ZANDER, they know that the medications can cause burning and inflamation to the esophagus and they will think twice before administering those particular medications orally. He then said that he feels confident that once I forget about the negative experience of the oral medications, I will more than likely start eating from my bottle more vigorously, with no more problems. He doesn't know how many days it might take me to be back to eating really good, but he knows that I need to be monitored for awhile to ensure that I don't need the medications anymore....see I started taking them because they helped my lungs. Now that I'm older, my Doctor #1 is hoping that my lungs don't need the medication....if my lungs don't need the medication then all we need to worry about is me eating enough to gain weight....

Um...hello Doctor #1....I weigh 6 lbs. 12.8 ozs.....I'm pretty sure I'm eating enough:)

Imagine that....someone so little as me having huge a genius brain:):):):)

Okay, so I had a really bad day because of all of this. I ate almost nothing and slept UNrestfully all day....mommy came to the hospital right after work and held me in her arms for almost 2 hours. While I was in mommy's arms I actually started to sleep soundly, and then about 30 minutes after she put me back to bed I woke up, wide awake and gave mommy and Nurse Darcy all the right signs to say, "Hey, I'm hungry....FEED ME!" Mommy laughed because Nurse Darcy couldn't get the bottle warmed up quick enough to make me happy, but finally I got my bottle and I ate ALL OF IT!!!!! And it was the good stuff:)

Right before I ate, mommy and Nurse Darcy realized that some of my grunts and groans were not from throwing a fit, but rather from trying to have a BM. Nurse Darcy is good at helping me a long a little bit by using the rectal thermometer. Ever since they changed my formula on Thursday, I've been having a difficult time pushing my BMs out because they are not as loose as before. It's hard when there's hard stuff in your bottom that you have to work at pushing out...that sometimes makes my tummy hurt too. I'll have to buy Nurse Darcy a beer someday for helping a little guy out:)

I'm off to take a quick nap before daddy comes to visit after work. I spend my mornings and evenings with mommy and I spend my afternoons and nights with daddy....who could ask for more! Have a great night.

Oh yeah, just so you know...I'm wearing a Dale Earnhardt Jr. onesi today....because my Usual Nurse Sandy said he's the best. I'll be sure to post of picture of me with Dale Jr. soon!

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