May 13, 2006

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)

Well now that they have taken away my tractor (which BTW would have been nice for me and daddy to plow snow and mow grass at our new house) I get to be on a new ventilator thing they call CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure. Its really really quiet compared to my old ventilator and the good news is that I don't have to have a tube down my throat to help me breathe!! The bad news... Oh yeah there's bad news when it comes to CPAP is that I gotta wear this weird mask like thing that scrunches up my nose and makes my face all flat :-( there's these two little prong things that go inside my nose and help me breathe and stuff but boy do they make my nose itchy and runny!! Today one of my favorite nurses Sara stuck a sucker thing into my nose to suck out all of the boogers Ewww Grossss!! And let me tell ya that isn't the most comfortable thing in the world having a vacuum cleaner stuck up your nose. In this picture I was having some trouble breathing so the nurse put me onto my back and daddy held my hand and reminded me to breathe. I like it sometimes when mommy and daddy remind me to breathe but sometimes I just gotta have a break it seems like I can never do enough breathing for those two!! Cut me a break I'm just a little guy even though I'm up to like 2# 7 oz. Now even some of the giant babies here in the NICU forget to breathe and some of them weigh like 7 or 8 pounds!!!

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