May 15, 2006


I didn't have such a great day today. The good news is that I lasted three whole days on just the CPAP. The bad news is, I only lasted 3 days on just the CPAP. The nurses and doctors think that due to the rebound effect from me being off the steriods, I rebounded a bit further than they wanted me to and I had to be re-intebated today.

That's right, I'm back on the ventilator. But this time, it's a quiet ventilator....and this new ventilator will let me have lower settings than I did with my tractor-sounding ventilator. So, even though mommy, daddy, and I are sad that the tube is back down my throat and in my lungs, we're all really happy that I'm not back on the JET ventilator.

The steroids worked really good, but their effect didn't last long enough. I was breathing really good big boy breaths for 3 whole days, but without the help of those silly steriods, I couldn't kick the CO2 from my lungs on my own. But don't worry.....I'm going to get stronger and stronger and the next time I get extebated I'm going to make sure I breathe every single breath I take!!!!

Now that I have the tube back and I have a little help breathing, I'm actually doing really good. I've worked my way back down so now the O2 that I am receiving is at 54% and I'll get it lower through out the night because I'm mostly saturating in the high 90's. They tried to be really nice and not hurt me too much when they put the tube back in. They even gave me medicine that takes away the pain. The NICU Jedi, Shannon, tried to put my tube in, but she had a little bit of a hard time so my Doctor #4 came in and swiftly tubed me up!

I heard them talking about not letting me eat my mommy juice because they thought maybe I was too sick, but I set them straight on that nonsense before mommy even got back from work. So now I'm happily eating my mommy juice through my nose again. Besides, I bet mommy and daddy that I would weigh over 3 lbs before Grandma Domo and Grandpa Bob came home from vacation. This morning I weighed 2 lbs 9 ozs so I'm working my way up there!

Mommy and daddy went shopping for me yesterday and then came back and made me hand-made bed sheets and blankets to wrap me in. They are fleece and flannel. They also bought me some tiny clothes, but only a few outfits because stores just don't sell many tiny clothes these days. The cool thing is that I have my own set of drawers at the hospital now. I have a drawer for clothes, a drawer for "wrap me up" blankets, and a drawer for "could be used as bedsheet" blankets. All the other babies have to borrow the hospitals, but not me:)

Well, I'm going to go to sleep now because my daddy is snoring like the tractor noise my old ventilator used to make. I was kind of missing that noise, but now I can fall asleep to daddy's snoring!!!! Nighty night.

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