May 29, 2006

I love my binkie

I have to tell you that next to mommy and daddy, my binkie is the greatest thing in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!! I have literally sucked on it almost constantly for three days now and I'm not done with it yet! By the time I'm done sucking there might not be anything left of it....I sometimes gum it (since I don't have teeth I can't bite it, so I gum it). I've learned how to breathe while I'm sucking too....let me tell you so then you can suck on a binkie suck..suck..suck (three times) then you take five breaths, and then suck three times again. Just keep doing that and you'll be a pro at the binkie sucking...just like me:)

I still have the hose in my nose...I really don't like it and I've tried to pull it out a few times. It turns out that this type of CPAP is not easily escaped. I've even turned my head completely over a few times and the darn hose doesn't fall out! I've decided that I won't turn my head over anymore because everytime I do the nurses put more tape on my face. Sometimes they can be sooo mean! *pouts*

I've been crying lots today. Mommy loves to hear me cry...even though it's still really quiet because my throat hurts. Oh yeah, it's also quiet because I'm still a little guy. But I'm working my way up to a roar! Daddy's favorite thing to say these days is "if you can cry, you can breathe".

Mommy and daddy went to a picnic today with their friends Janelle and John. Daddy tried to sneak me out of the hospital in his shirt pocket, but Nurse Sheila was having none of that! Mommy and daddy met lots of nice people at the picnic and got to eat some good food. When John found out that I can cry, now that there is no hose down my throat, he agreed with daddy and said that a lot of things have to be going right with me if I am able to cry. Janelle can't wait until I'm big so she can hold me....she says she needs her baby fix. I think she might have to pry me lose from mommy and daddy's arms first.

For some reason my heart rate has been very high today. Nobody is really sure why. The doctor and my day nurse, Sheila, think that it might be high due to the steroids. But mommy and daddy pointed out that I finished the steroids on Sunday morning and even while I was on the steroids my heart rate was not this elevated. My night nurse thinks that it's because my day nurse tried to roast me. Actually, Sheila didn't really try to roast me, but my bed wasn't reading my body heat correctly so the bed itself was roasting me. Sandy, my night nurse, decided right away that she was going to change my bed completely so that I wouldn't be roasted anymore. In order to do that I can't be in the bed, so mommy got to Kangaroo me for a couple hours. Normally it only takes about 15 minutes to change out the entire bed, but my heart rate went down to almost normal when I was holding mommy, so Sandy decided I could stay as long as I wanted to.

I only held mommy for two hours because otherwise mommy wouldn't get very much sleep and then she would be cranky at work tomorrow. Believe me, nobody wants a cranky mommy!!!

Nurse Sandy put new blankets on my bed and picked out clothes for me to wear. This picture is of me in the clothes that Nurse Sandy picked out. Mommy and Nurse Sandy agree that this outfit fits me the closest, but it won't for too much longer! And, if you look closely, you can see that I'm sucking on my binkie....and holding it by myself too!!!! Pretty soon I'll be crawling all by myself too. Sometimes, when no one is looking I try to push myself up into a crawling position. It works for awhile, but then my alarms start going off and I get in trouble for being "ornery".

Someday I'm going to grow big and then I'll show those nurses what "ornery" really is:)

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