June 23, 2006

Almost there

Hi everyone, it's been a few days, but I'm still here. My doctors started weening me from the CPAP this week. That may be old news, but the NEW news is that I'm doing really good! On Monday I was allowed to be on the nasal canula for 1 hour each shift, which is a total of 2 hours out of 24 hours. I passed that test with flying colors so on Tuesday I got to be on the nasal canula for 2 hours each 12 hour shift. On Wednesday I was bumped up to TWO 2 hour periods each shift on the nasal canula. The doctors decided to give me a bit of a break on Thursday and did not increase my time on the canula....which made me upset because I like the nasal canula....it's not heavy on my face and it doesn't put pressure on my nose like the yucky CPAP does. So just to show my doctors that I know what I'm doing, I wore my nasal canula for a whole 4 hours last night....without taking it off once.

My bold effort paid off too, because today the doctors decided to have me be off the nasal canula for 6 hours each shift. I'm HALF WAY THERE!!!!!! I don't have to stay on the canula for an entire 6 hours at once, I can take breaks in between, but I figure the better I do at this nasal canula stuff, the quicker I get to be home with mommy and daddy. I sure am looking forward to that!!!

Let's see....Grandma Orr held me yesterday morning while I ate, and then Grandma Domo held me for my noon feeding. Grandma Domo was very brave because she told my Nurse Shannon that she wanted to hold me with the nasal canula on and while I ate. Up until Grandma Domo issued that request I had only been laying in bed on the canula. Well, guess what??? I did awesome and Grandma Domo held me for a really long time!

I got a bath yesterday afternoon, after mommy got home from work. Mommy and daddy's friend Gwen came and held me for a little while before my bath, so she stayed to watch me get washed up nice and shiny. I did really good with the bath, but mommy called me a stinker because when she was drying me off, I passed gas in her face. It's a good thing she loves me lots! Then I took a rest and mommy, daddy, and Gwen went and ate dinner. Mommy came back up to the hospital later and held me for my 9:30pm feeding. She kangaroo'd me while I was wearing the nasal canula and eating!! Again, I did awesome:) When mommy left, my Nurse (Tall) Lisa kept me on the nasal canula for my whole 4 hours. She told mommy this morning that I did wonderful!!!!! Mommy and daddy are anticipating a discharge date sometime at the beginning of August.....I sure hope they are right!

Grandpa Bob is in the process of finishing my closet, and my whole room is now all painted. The floor needs one more coat of Varnish, according to Grandpa Bob, and then mommy has to put the boarder up and I can move in....WOO HOO:):):) I don't have very much furniture to move in because most of it is still at Grandma Domo and Grandpa Bob's house...I'm going to have to talk to them about getting my furniture to Cedar Rapids because I want to start decorating my room as soon as I get to go home.

Will somebody please tell my doctors to let me out soon????? I have places to be and people to see!:)

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