June 05, 2006

Woo Hoo!

I talked my day nurse, Nurse Sarah into feeding me more than I'm supposed to get:):):)

Okay, so I didn't write anything yesterday because I was too busy missing mommy and daddy. They moved all of our stuff into our new house!:) Mommy and daddy didn't move everything by themselves, they had a whole party of people helping them.

There was My Sonya, Gwen, Matthew and Nicholas, Rich, Grandma and Grandpa Hewlitt, Emily, and then John and his children showed up to help with the really heavy stuff...it's because they have big muscles:) Janelle didn't help move because she was too busy babysitting me...plus, she needed her baby fix. Who's the baby???? I'm the baby!!! Jason was going to come help around 1pm, but daddy decided that since we were more than half done, making Jason drive all the way from his house was not a very nice thing to do....he lives a long way away. But it all worked out because Jason came over today to help daddy with the computer.

So, all mommy and daddy's stuff is at the new house...they even took all my stuff. Next weekend mommy's going to paint my room. Daddy's job was to rip up the carpet in my room and see if there really is hard wood floors....he already finished his job on Saturday. Grandma Domo is going to paint mommy and daddy's room because it's PINK!!! (Daddy looks silly in pink).

Mommy and daddy were gone from 8:00am until 4:00pm. They brought My Sonya back to the hospital to see me....I don't get to see her all the time so I have to get My Sonya fix when I can. Her mommy and sister sent presents for me with her....My Sonya's mommy is my honorary grandma because she wants a grandbaby too....pretty soon there will be enough of me to go around:)

Guess what???? I gained weight and grew some...I now weigh 3 lbs. 3 ozs! And I am 14 and 3/4 inches tall. I bet you I will weigh lots more tomorrow. Want to know why????? I bet you do:) I am going to weigh more tomorrow because my Nurse Sarah "overfed" me today. So now my Nurse Big Lisa (only cuz she's taller than Little Lisa) isn't feeding me as much as I want to eat because she has to correct the "overfeeding". I say, "Hey, if my tummy can handle it, bring it on!!!" Nobody listens to me though:(

I got a bath tonight. I couldn't complain much because...well....I was stinky! You'd think a baby laying in a crib all day wouldn't get dirty....but I was. I liked this bath...I didn't stay swaddled the entire time because the water was so warm....Nurse Big Lisa made the water move with her fingers and told me it was a whirlpool hottub. I don't know what that is, but it sure was fun. I didn't even cry during the whole bath! Daddy held my mask in place, Nurse Big Lisa help my head so I didn't drown, and mommy washed me all over. Nurse Big Lisa didn't turn me over this time when mommy was ready to wash my back...she just leaned me forward and mommy went to town getting me clean. All in all....I'd say it was a pretty positive experience.

Daddy held me after my bath....I got to eat some too....but not as much as usual:( Just let me eat what I want Nursies!!!!! While daddy held me, I dozed off and held onto his finger. He kept trying to escape my grip, but I'm too strong for him...he was stuck:)

Now, daddy is sleeping and mommy is getting ready for sleep. I'm yawning, and should be very much asleep, but I wanted to keep you all up to date. I told mommy to post a picture of our house on the website, but she couldn't get the picture thingy on here to work tonight. She said she would try tomorrow too.

Good night!!!!!!! And thanks again to the wonderfully awesome friends that helped mommy and daddy move...mommy and daddy think it was actually a good time despite the moving part. Oh yeah, Congratulations to John because he is now a Deacon:)

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