June 06, 2006

Its a twister!!!

Today there was a tornado warning here at the hospital, now this isn't my first rodeo as one of my favorite nurses likes to say at night. This is my second tornado warning here in the NICU, the first one was a long time ago when I was really small and still lived in the bubble they didn't move me out of my room because they said I was too sick so a nurse and daddy had to stay with me in my room while everyone else got to go out into the hall and play. Well guess what? Today during the tornado warning I got to take a trip all the way out into the hall, my nurse Jenn (she's one of my favorites) hooked me up to some portable oxygen and took my whole crib into the hall so I could play with all the big kids!! It was really fun Jenn took some pictures of me hanging out in the hall with all the cool people this picture shows me with one of my doctors Julie (don't tell the others but she is moving way up my list of favorite doctors) she took time out to hang out with me in the hall and Jenn hung out with me and even Jenn's new Nurse Kim was hanging out with me Kim is pretty neat she's been a nurse for a long time but she's kinda new to little babies like me so Jenn is showing her the ropes, I wont complain two whole nurse to take care of me is better than just one!!! Oh yeah by the way I didn't know what a tornado was so I asked my doctor and she told me it was a twister kind of like when my nurse makes the water in my bath twirl around except in the air and really big, even bigger than the NICU well I didn't see anything like that but I sure did have a good time hanging out in the hall way with all the cool people!! I gotta go now cause my mommy will be here soon and its almost time to eat so I'm gonna try to talk Jenn into letting me hold mommy while I eat :-)

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