June 03, 2006

Who's a big boy?

On Friday afternoon mommy called my Nurse Lisa to check on me (while she was at work) and Nurse Lisa said, "Do you want a surprise, or do you want the good news now?" Mommy said she wanted to know right then...so Nurse Lisa told her I was in a big boy bed.

See, my most recent nurses had decided to turn off my Giraffe Bed, so that my body heat was no longer regulated by the bed. I had to do all the work myself, with a little help from my blankets. I did such a great job that Nurse Lisa told my Doctor #2 that I needed a crib.....a real NICU crib:) My doctor #2 obviously listened because he wrote an order for a crib and I've been sleeping in it since, and my temperature has been great!!!:)

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